Votana Shimmery Cream Bronze 30 ml
EGP 250
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Customer Reviews
Al cream bgd kan helw awe w darget al bronze bt3to kant tohfa w it gives a very shimmery effect kda fl shams w mn8er al shams
Also tari awe fl blending!
Thank youuuuuu
- Veronica
صباح النور 🥰
أيوة جربته بمسح بيه الصن بلوك والمكياج وبعدين بغسل بغسول بيخلى وشى رطب وناعم ونظيف وخطير بجد تسلم إيدك ومع الوقت فرق فى بشرتى جامد بجد تحفة😍♥️♥️♥️
- Eman
Thank you VOTONA for this Amazing product 😍😍😍
The Pearl Shimmer Cream made my skin looks shiny and bright and very fitting to my skin color ♥️♥️✨✨Also its texture is very smooth and easily absorbed and its scent is so beautiful ♥️😍😍♥️
- Sherry